
Showing posts from March, 2017

S.Y.B.Sc. Computer Science Subject-Compulsory English

Internal Examination Feb.2017 S.Y.B.Sc. Computer Science Subject-Compulsory English Text Prescribed-Literary Vistas Time:1 Hr.                                                                                                      Marks:10 Nb:   All questions are compulsory           Figures to the right indicate full marks. Q.1. Fill in the blanks in the transcript of the interview below with suitable responses and expressions. Candida...


K.S.K.W. Arts, Science & Commerce College, Cidco Uttam Nagar NASHIK 422008 M.A./M.Com./M.Sc. (computer)/ M.Sc. Chem. & Physics Part I Semester II Human Rights of Vulnerable and Disadvantaged Groups (Credit 1) Time Table Venue: Seminar Hall                                          Day & Date Name of the Topic(s) Name of the Teacher Time Thursday 2/03/2017 General Introduction a)       Meaning and Concept of Vulnerable and Disadvantaged groups Prof. S.R.Nikam 9.00 to 11.00 Friday 3/03/2017 b)       Customary, Socio-Economic and Cultural Problems of Vulnerable and Disadvantaged Groups Prof. S.R.Nik...

Mac Flecknoe

Mac Flecknoe Introduction In A Nutshell Once upon a time (the late seventeenth century), in place far, far away (England), there lived two poets: one named John Dryden , the other, Thomas Shadwell . They were both quite successful and well respected. One thing led to another, however, and they soon found themselves embroiled in some serious beef. One day, the writer by the name of John Dryden decided to up the ante. The result was " Mac Flecknoe ," John Dryden's literary takedown of Thomas Shadwell, an imaginative and hilarious satire extraordinaire. Whether it's epically ironic, or ironically epic (you'll have to read on and tell us which one you think), the poem pretty much carved out its own genre: the mock-epic, or mock-heroic. Dryden completely skewers Shadwell, exposing him for what he was: a bad writer with bad taste, who would do anything for the cheap laugh. Though it really doesn't even seem fair to make fun of a guy who looks like th...