S.Y.B.Sc. Computer Science Subject-Compulsory English

Internal Examination Feb.2017
S.Y.B.Sc. Computer Science
Subject-Compulsory English
Text Prescribed-Literary Vistas
Time:1 Hr.                                                                                                     Marks:10
Nb:  All questions are compulsory
        Figures to the right indicate full marks.

Q.1. Fill in the blanks in the transcript of the interview below with suitable responses and expressions.
Candidate:      ------------------------come in,sir?
Interviewer:     Yes, please come in and sit down.
Candidate:      --------------------------,sir.
Interviewer:     You are nearly at the end of your M.Phil Programme in Computer Science,
                        aren’t you?
Candidate:      -------------------------sir-------------------------submitted my dissertation.
Interviewer:     Your area of specialisation is------------------isn’t it?
Candidate:      ---------------------.My dissertation is on the ---------------------.
Interviewer:     Have you taught at the undergraduate level earlier?
Candidate       :--------------very briefly.---------------------------for eight monthe last year as a
                        part-time lecturer in the K.T.H.M. College in Nasik.
Interviewer:     Haven’t you considered taking the UPSC examinations? A career in the civil
 services is challenging, exciting and prestigious.
Candidate:      I’m -------------------------it is, sir. But------------------always----------------
To be in the teaching profession.
Interviewer:     Thank you, Ms Sagar. You’ll be hearing from us shortly.
Candidate       :--------------------------
Q.2 Write paragraphs of five or six sentences on any one of the following topic.
     1)An exciting holiday
    2) A meaningful education


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